Periodically we feature a newer member of the Rotary Club of Edina on our website. The Rotary Club of Edina welcomed Toni Gerard as a member in March 2016. Toni's sponsor to the club was Josh Sprague. Click on the link to get to know Toni...
Name: Toni Gerard
Classification: Retail Banking
What was your first job? Burger place in Omaha.

Who was your first role model and why? When I was only 9, I was impressed by Peg, the base commander’s wife, when my family was stationed in Germany. She was poised, friendly, smart, and had a cool charm bracelet. I have been very lucky throughout my life to have had many people help me along my way. Each of those people are role models for me in particular ways—offering examples and advice ranging from education and work to joie de vivre.
Why did you want to join Rotary? I joined Rotary to build lasting business and personal relationships within the community in which I work and that is close to my home.

What do you like best about being part of the Rotary Club of Edina? I was first struck by how friendly and welcoming the professional members of the Edina Rotary were to me. It is clear to me that members take business seriously but not themselves. They are supportive and effective and seem to love to laugh. The luncheon speakers are energizing and informative. I know I’ll find my place to contribute.
What one piece of advice do you offer other business leaders? Be curious always, pay attention, engage, and laugh.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Edina, Toni!